While traveling through New Zealand in June, I had the privilege of getting to know the indigenous Polynesians, The Maori's. The first settlers came from Eastern Polynesia, as well as Hawaii - Hawaiki, in the 13th century; formed their independence and created their own language and culture. The ability to navigate such distances in ancient times was a remarkable accomplishment, relying on the sun, stars, ocean currents and wind patterns for thousands of years across thousands of miles of the open Pacific Ocean.
It was refreshing to see the distinct similarities and differences in language and appearance between the Maori's and the Hawaiians. The 1st video performance below portrays the harmonic unison of such communities singing, whereas the 2nd performance portrays the tribal warrior in it's refinement. Their ability to intimidate adversaries with The Haka - war dance, was second to none. And in some instances, prevented such battles from commencing.
I returned to Maui with a greater perspective on the common link many cultures have with one another due to foundations and a passion for discovery, evolving into countless microcosms that share a common ground, despite such changes and differences. In reality, we are part of the collective to continue learning from one another; to discover a deeper truth in order to shed the misperceptions that have plagued the planet for so long.
I hope you enjoy these cultural performances with a renewed perspective on Polynesian influence spanning thousands of miles today.

Whoa! I better watch it with the ladies! Apparently, he's ready to do The Haka - war dance on me!!!